
Category: Parasailing

Learn more about what Parasailing when planning to visit Cozumel. Learn more about your Cozumel Travels today!

Parasailing In Cozumel Mexico – What To Expect

Imagine the sensation of the sun warming your skin and making the turquoise water sparkle. You feel the wind sweep through your hair and your feet dangle freely as you drift through the air. You’ll try to find Jet Ski Cozumel beach where your adventure began, but it’s difficult because everything is so small from up here! 

Eventually, you come to accept the fact that you are no longer in the hustle and bustle of the island. You are higher than you imagined and happier than you thought you would be at this point in your excursion. So, you stop worrying and start enjoying every second of joy this high-flying activity offers you. This is the unforgettable feeling that awaits you when you book our Cozumel Parasailing adventure

Parasailing in Cozumel at a Glance

Cozumel, Mexico is a popular vacation destination. Known for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and water sports activities. One activity that has gained popularity in recent years is parasailing. This vacation activity involves being lifted into the air by a parachute while being towed behind a boat. Your sitting not standing and there is no skill/training required to do it. It is a thrilling and unique way to experience Cozumel from high in the sky.

How It Works

Booking & Arrival

The first step is to head to our Cozumel Parasailing Tour Booking Page. Pick your tour day & time and choose a single or tandem parasailing tour. After you secure your reservation and arrive, you meet our team at the pier on-site. The boat will pick you up here at our location OR your resort pier (for an additional fee). 

Gearing Up For Flight

Just a 1/2 mile boat ride from the shore is where you’ll feel the rush of excitement as you get ready to take flight! You slip on your safety harness and in no time you feel the thrill of your feet leaving the deck of the boat. Embrace the unknown, as you embark on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.  Speaking of safety, check our Cozumel Island safety article

Before Lift-Off

After your harness is attached, you sit down on the rear deck of the boat, the driver will then speed up and begin towing you into the air. As the boat speeds up the cable guy starts to slowly release your rope and your feet begin to leave the boat. As you rise up higher and higher, you’ll have the opportunity to take in stunning views of the island and the surrounding sea possibly getting a glimpse of the Carnival or Royal cruise ship that you came in on.

Getting Airborne

After about 12-15 minutes in the air you will start descending closer to the boat. This all happens so fast and subtlety that you won’t even notice your coming down. 2-8 minutes later your feet will land gently on the rear deck of the boat without a splash of water on you. Our parasailing tour boat will bring you back to the beach area, where you can relax and continue your vacation. Many people find that parasailing helps to relieve stress and bring a sense of calm and relaxation. Parasailing is a great way to appreciate the natural beauty of Cozumel Island. You’ll have the opportunity to see the island from a unique perspective and take in the stunning landscapes from above. 

Learn more about the Cozumel Parasailing Death in 2010

Summing up Your Parasailing Tour

Overall, parasailing in Cozumel is a thrilling and exciting activity that is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or a peaceful and relaxing experience, parasailing has something to offer. So why not give it a try on your next vacation to Cozumel? Maybe check something off your bucket list! You won’t be disappointed! Visit our Cozumel Activities Page to book your reservation or scroll down to learn more

Best time of year to Parasailing in Cozumel Mexico

The best time of year to go parasailing in Cozumel Mexico is Jan – Oct. This is also the peak tourist season, so the island tends to be more crowded and prices may be higher. The rainy season (June to November) is less crowded and can offer lower prices, but there is a higher risk of inclement weather and possible hurricanes. If you’re planning to go parasailing in Cozumel, it’s a good idea to check the weather forecast and consider the pros and cons of each season.

What time of day for a parasail tour in Cozumel?

There is no “best time” of day to parasail. It depends on weather conditions, wind speed, and personal preference. However, according to hundreds of people we have provided a parasailing tour for the early-mid morning is our most commonly booked time slot here at Jet Ski Cozumel. The air isn’t too hot and the winds are calm.

Do your research before you fly

Before disembarking your cruise ship do a quick google search for “best parasailing in cozumel“, read the reviews, look at the pictures and give them a call or email.  Any reputable Parasailing companies should be happy to answer any questions you have. 

Cozumel Parasailing Death (2010)

13 years ago, on the shores of Cozumel Mexico, there was a tragic death of a Carnival Cruise ship passenger named Joseph Job Sajan. He was 40 years old, and vacationing on the island. During his single stop on the island, he chose to try a Parasailing Tour. The U.S. Citizen’s safety harness broke and he fell into the sea. Sajan unfortunately, did not survive the accident. This incident is still largely popular when you search for Cozumel, but you can find the original article here.

Parasailing, Tours, Excursions and water sports activity accident’s are rare but they do happen. The tragedy of the 2010 Cozumel parasailing accident years later is still reminding us of the importance of choosing the best parasailing tour provider when booking your activity. 

How much does parasailing cost?

The average cost for Parasailing in Cozumel Mexico is $85. This is considered a tourist destination price. Parasailing sessions can vary from $40 per person all the way up to $110 depending on geographical location and time of year.

For example, in Miami, FL Miami Beach Parasail starts at $110 per person. If you are looking to book parasailing while in Cancun, Mexico parasailadventure charges $62 per person

Can I take my phone?

You can take your phone parasailing, it’s the best way to capture your experience and memories. The ride is smooth, subtle, and not rough so you shouldn’t lose your phone. Operators are not responsible for lost items. Take your phone at your own risk.

What is a good tip for parasailing

Tips are based on performance. Many people working in the tourism/service industry expect a tip and therefore typically provide better service in hopes of getting a “nice tip”. 15-20% is a good tip range to aim for if you receive quality service.

What should I wear to the parasail excursion?

You are welcome to wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We suggest wearing a bathing suit with a light layer of clothing over it. This will keep you comfortable, when you are done with your parasailing tour you will enjoy one of Cozumels beaches. So now you are ready for anything!

Where can you parasail in Cozumel?

All parasailing mostly takes place on the western side of the island where the waters are calm and easier to handle. South of ferry and cruise ship port.

How high in the air do you go?

Your sailing tour will take you 320 feet above the ocean where it is peacefully quiet and calm. Once there you will spend 12-15 minutes gliding over the West beach of the Cozumel islands. Giving you the most amazing view of the beach and restaurants. But don’t take our word for it, book here and try it for yourself!

10 Most Common Parasailing Questions 2024 (Answered)

1. Is parasailing Safe?

 Parasailing is generally considered a safe activity, as long as it is done with a reputable company and experienced operators who follow proper safety guidelines.

2. Is there a Minimum age?

Most parasailing companies have age limits, typically around 4 years old for children and around 50-60 years old for seniors. However, this can vary from company to company. So it’s important to check with the specific company you’ll be using. 

3. Do I need to know how to swim to go parasailing?

No, parasailing is one of the few water sports that you do not need to know how to swim to participate! This a a great choice for literally everybody!

4.  Is there a maximum weight for parasailing?

Yes, there is typically a weight limit for parasailing, which is usually around 300-400 pounds. Sometimes there is even a minimum weight of around 160 pounds combined depending on the company. This is to ensure the safety and stability of the parasail.

5.  Can I go parasailing if I’m pregnant?

It is generally not recommended for pregnant women to go parasailing due to the potential physical stresses on the body. 

6.  Can I go parasailing if I have a disability or limited mobility?

Some parasailing operators may be able to accommodate individuals with disabilities, but it is important to check with the specific company and discuss any concerns or limitations beforehand

7. Do I need to be in good physical shape to go parasailing?

No, you do not need to be in good physical shape to go parasailing. However, it is recommended that you are able to stand and walk on the boat, as you will need to get in and out of the boat and equipment

8. How long does a parasailing trip last?

The length of a parasailing trip can vary, but it is typically around 30 minutes to an hour, including the boat ride to and from the parasailing location. The actual time in the air is 12 minutes on average. 

9. Can I bring my camera or phone with me on the parasail?

It is not recommended to bring electronic devices with you on the parasail, as they can be damaged by water or the wind. Some parasailing operators may offer waterproof cameras for rent or allow you to bring a disposable camera which will give you some unique photo opportunities without the risk of your own device.

10. Can I go parasailing in bad weather?

Parasailing trips may be canceled or postponed due to bad weather conditions, such as high winds or thunderstorms. It is important to check with the operator on the day of your trip and follow their safety guidelines.

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